Mesh Wallet

Mesh Wallet provides a set of APIs to interact with the blockchain. This wallet is compatible with Mesh transaction builders.

Whether you are building a minting script, or an application that requires multi-signature, MeshWallet is all you need to get started.

Initialize wallet

You can initialize Mesh Wallet with:

  • mnemonic phrases
  • private keys
  • Cardano CLI generated keys
  • address (read only wallet)

First, we initialize a Provider, which we will assign blockchainProvider to the fetcher and submitter.

Mnemonic phrases

We can load wallet with mnemonic phrases:

With the wallet loaded, you can sign transactions, we will see how to do this in the next section, for now lets get the wallet's address:

Private keys

We can load wallet with private keys:

Cardano CLI generated skeys

We can load wallet with CLI generated keys by providing the skey generated by Cardano CLI. There are two files generated by Cardano CLI, by default it is named signing.skey and stake.skey. Opening the signing.skey file it should contains:

We can get the cborHex from the signing.skey file, and load wallet with Cardano CLI generated skeys. Stake key is optional, but without it, you cannot sign staking transactions.


We can load wallet with address, this is useful for read-only wallets. A read-only wallet can only query the blockchain, it cannot sign transactions. This is useful for monitoring wallets. We can load wallet with the address type:

Load wallet with mnemonic phrases

Provide the mnemonic phrases to recover your wallet. After initializing the MeshWallet, we will get the wallet's payment address.

Note: Trying these demo with your Testnet wallet is recommended.

Generate Wallet

You can generate deterministic keys based on the Bitcoin BIP39. These mnemonic phrases allow you to recover your wallet.

Once you have your mnemonic phrase, you can use it to generate your deterministic keys. It will typically generate a series of private keys and corresponding public keys, which you can use to manage your cryptocurrencies.

You can also generate private keys directly by adding true in the brew function.

Generate mnemonic

Generate new mnemonic phrases for your wallet

Generate private key

Generate new private key for your wallet

Get Balance

Returns a list of assets in the wallet. This API will return every assets in the wallet. Each asset is an object with the following properties:

  • A unit is provided to display asset's name on the user interface.
  • A quantity is provided to display asset's quantity on the user interface.


Get Balance

Get all assets in the connected wallet

Get Change Address

Returns an address owned by the wallet that should be used as a change address to return leftover assets during transaction creation back to the connected wallet.

Get Change Address

Get address that should be used for transaction's change

Get Collateral

This function shall return a list of one or more UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) controlled by the wallet that are required to reach AT LEAST the combined ADA value target specified in amount AND the best suitable to be used as collateral inputs for transactions with plutus script inputs (pure ADA-only UTXOs).

If this cannot be attained, an error message with an explanation of the blocking problem shall be returned. NOTE: wallets are free to return UTXOs that add up to a greater total ADA value than requested in the amount parameter, but wallets must never return any result where UTXOs would sum up to a smaller total ADA value, instead in a case like that an error message must be returned.

Example of a response returned by this endpoint:

This API accepts the addressType parameter, where you can specify the type of address you want to get. The available options are:

  • payment (default)
  • enterprise
Get Collateral

Get list of UTXOs that used as collateral inputs for transactions with plutus script inputs

Get Network ID

Returns the network ID of the currently connected account. 0 is testnet and 1 is mainnet but other networks can possibly be returned by wallets. Those other network ID values are not governed by CIP-30. This result will stay the same unless the connected account has changed.

Get Network ID

Get currently connected network

Get Reward Addresses

Returns a list of reward addresses owned by the wallet. A reward address is a stake address that is used to receive rewards from staking, generally starts from `stake` prefix. Example:

Get Reward Addresses

Get stake addresses

Get Unused Addresses

Returns a list of unused addresses controlled by the wallet. For example:

Get Unused Addresses

Get addresses that are unused

Get Used Addresses

Returns a list of used addresses controlled by the wallet. For example:

Get Used Addresses

Get addresses that are used


Return a list of all UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) controlled by the wallet. For example:

This API accepts the addressType parameter, where you can specify the type of address you want to get. The available options are:

  • payment (default)
  • enterprise

Get UTXOs of the connected wallet

Sign Data

This endpoint utilizes the CIP-8 - Message Signing to sign arbitrary data, to verify the data was signed by the owner of the private key.

Example of a response from the endpoint:

Continue reading this guide to learn how to verify the signature.

Sign data

Define a payload and sign it with wallet.

Sign Transaction

Requests user to sign the provided transaction (tx). The wallet should ask the user for permission, and if given, try to sign the supplied body and return a signed transaction. partialSign should be true if the transaction provided requires multiple signatures.

Sign Transaction

Create a transaction and sign it

Check out Transaction to learn more on how to use this API.

Submit Transaction

As wallets should already have this ability to submit transaction, we allow dApps to request that a transaction be sent through it. If the wallet accepts the transaction and tries to send it, it shall return the transaction ID for the dApp to track. The wallet can return error messages or failure if there was an error in sending it.

Submit Transaction

Submit a signed transaction with wallet

Check out Transaction to learn more on how to use this API.

Create Collateral UTXO

Collateral is used to guarantee that nodes are compensated for their work in case phase-2 validation fails. Thus, collateral is the monetary guarantee a user gives to assure that the contract has been carefully designed and thoroughly tested. The collateral amount is specified at the time of constructing the transaction. Not directly, but by adding collateral inputs to the transaction. The total balance in the UTXOs corresponding to these specially marked inputs is the transaction’s collateral amount. If the user fulfills the conditions of the guarantee, and a contract gets executed, the collateral is safe.


Get Assets

Returns a list of assets in wallet excluding lovelace, example:

Get Assets

Get assets in the connected wallet

Get Lovelace

Return the lovelace balance in wallet. 1 ADA = 1000000 lovelace.

Get Lovelace

Get amount of ADA in connected wallet

Get Policy IDs

Return a list of assets' policy ID. An example response would be:

Get Policy IDs

Get a list of policy IDs from all assets in wallet

Get a Collection of Assets

Returns a list of assets from a policy ID. If no assets in wallet belongs to the policy ID, an empty list is returned. Query for a list of assets' policy ID with wallet.getPolicyIds().

Get a Collection of Assets

Get a list of assets belonging to the policy ID