Parse and manipulate Cardano data with JSON

Mesh offers a full set of utility functions to help constructing the JSON data you need for your Cardano DApp, with the naming philosophy similar to Mesh Data type, with extra utilities mimicing the data type names in PlutusTx and Aiken.

Types Support

All the utilities are designed to return a type with the same naming as the utilities function, with capitalizing first letter, you can build your data in JSON with robust type supports, some examples:

  • constr returns Constr type
  • integer returns Integer type
  • byteString returns ByteString type

Utilities in Building Constructor Data in JSON

conStr build the constructor object, with parameters:

  • constructor (number) - the constructor index
  • fields (any[]) - the constructor fields in array

There are also some quick utilities only taking in fields as parameters for 0 - 2 indices:

  • conStr0 - building index 0 constructor
  • conStr1 - building index 1 constructor
  • conStr2 - building index 2 constructor

Building JSON constructor object

Utilities in Building Integer Data in JSON

integer build the integer object, with parameters:

  • int (number | bigint) - the integer to be built

This utility is compatible for both number and bigint type, which allow big integer exceeding the JS precision limit.


  • posixTime - for the same functionality.

Building JSON integer object

Utilities in Building ByteString Data in JSON

byteString build the byte string object, with parameters:

  • bytes (string) - the byte string in hex to be built, validation would be performed on whether the bytes is a valid hex string


  • builtinByteString - for the same functionality, for developers more familiar to the PlutusTx naming convention.
  • scriptHash / pubKeyHash / policyId / currencySymbol / assetName / tokenName - same building the byte string JSON but with further input validation.

Building JSON byteString object

Utilities in Building Boolean Data in JSON

bool build the boolean object, with parameters:

  • b (boolean | boolean) - the boolean to be built

Building JSON bool object

Utilities in Building List Data in JSON

list build the list object, with parameters:

  • pList (T[]) - the list with items to be built. The items in the
  • optional - validation (boolean) - indicate if the current data construction should perform basic validation of whether it is of typeobject (where all JSON data is in type of object)

Building JSON list object

Utilities in Building Map Data in JSON

assocMap build the (associative) map object, with parameters:

  • mapItems - ([KeyType, ValueType][]) - the array of map item in JS tuple format (array of array).
  • optional - validation (boolean) - indicate if the current data construction should perform basic validation of whether it is of typeobject (where all JSON data is in type of object)

Building JSON list object

Other Utilities

The code example showing above does not cover all utilities, please checkout the hosted documentation for more details. The not covered utilities are as below:

  • assetClass
  • outputReference
  • txOutRef
  • dict
  • tuple
  • maybeStakingHash
  • pubKeyAddress
  • scriptAddress